Help with the Website: FAQs
This Help page only deals with practical, technical and mechanical aspects of using the THEE Frameworks when you are in the relevant section.
website. You will find some specialized FAQs dealing with the substance and theory of
The webcluster has been optimized for viewing as follows:
Screen size: The topics are designed for viewing on a tablet, laptop or desktop and there is automatic adjustment for larger screens. Mobile phone screens are not satisfactory.
Browser: It is preferable to use the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox for both Windows and MacOS, or Safari for MacOS.
If viewing is difficult or the layout appears odd or the pages die too quickly using a particular browser, try a different one or update to a newer version.
Browser Zoom: Normal size, 100%. If you are unsure, select Reset.

Colour styling has been provided to assist in appreciating how a word is being used and to provide emphasis or clarity.
The system has not been implemented perfectly and is currently in need of improvement. Below are the general rules.
. When a word is a taxonomic formal name, it is styled in blue; and when first introduced, it may be in bold as well. This colour rule mainly applies to the framework under investigation. Formulae are also in blue.
Orange font. The taxonomy has its own terminology. This unavoidable jargon is identified in orange and orange bold. Definitions are provided in the left navigation column by clicking on the Terms tab at the top. (But if a term substitutes for a formal name i.e. refers to a specific entity, then blue may be used.)
Maroon font. Used to show emphasis, aid focus, identify common properties, or to help make distinctions.
Violet font. Used to name channels in Trees and to assist with other distinctions.

Considerable effort has gone into facilitating search. It may take some time to get familiar with all the possibilities.
Search in the header field enables a search of the whole website excluding the blogs.
Search via the Glossary Index is another alternative being developed in the Glossary Room.
Search any page you are currently viewing using your browser's built-in Find or Search command.
For more about effective searching, visit the Guide to Search.

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Most Topics have hidden text and collapsed boxes to reduce visual clutter and give you control over what you wish to see. The toolbar has an icon that expands (opens) everything, or collapses (closes) everything. It does not reset when you move to a new topic. (If you get confused, it often helps if you close everything and start exploring the page again.)
The Printer icon enables printing of the contents of the main frame (i.e. the Topic contents): this looks better than using your system or browser print command, and saves on paper and ink.
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The vertical Navigation Column has two tabs. Contents shows the relevant Table of Contents. Terms is an instant glossary of taxonomy jargon.
The width of the Navigation column is manually adjustable by click-dragging in the centre of the right-hand border. It is set to ensure a minimum width, but clicking on the arrow in the centre of the border allows you to fully shut (or open) the column.

The website formerly offered a commenting facility on each page, but this is now discontinued.
If you wish to comment about the website or the taxonomy generally, email us directly.

There are two main glossaries: Terminology for THEE, and the Natural Language Glossary.
The Terminology Glossary covers technical terms and is available in the main part of the website via the Terms tab at the top of the left-hand vertical navigation column.
A Glossary of natural language terms used in THEE Frameworks is currently under development. You can access its current state via the Table of Contents column.

These icons are currently experimental and may be changed following experience and feedback.
= Warning of technical explanations using taxonomic jargon.
= References to earlier frameworks or analyses, usually in the same Satellite: implying that some familiarity is useful or necessary.
= Blocked link. This applies when a webpage is not yet posted, but will be developed in the future.
= External hyperlink to a third-party website.
= Internal hyperlink to a webpage outside the current focus of interest. This was useful in the previous website navigation, but is now being removed.

Forums have not yet been implemented. If you are particularly interested to help with a forum, contact us.
Originally posted: July 2009; Last amended: 14-Jun-2023.